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It's just what it sounds like - you'll get a new ring every month!


We'll do the choosing, so this is a mystery lover's paradise! Rings shown are examples, you'll get a new ring each month for as long as you sign up for!

Your choice:

-Stainless Steel: waterproof, tarnish free. (No marks on your fingers under your rings if you're sensitive) :)

-Costume (alloy): will eventually tarnish, but are quality made and will look awesome while you enjoy them :)


SIZING - the majority of these are sizes 5, 6, 7 & 8. If you don't typically fall in this size range contact us before you buy! 


Pre-pay for a few months at a time and renew by buying again whenever you'd like! 


No returns, and no asking us for specific styles please! First ring will ship right when you order: the remaining rings will ship by the 15th of each month.

Join our Ring A Month Club!

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